The enduring figure of David has embodied ideas about masculinity in every era throughout history. Deborah Nicholls-Lee explores the man, the myth and the...
The action comedy, directed by Elizabeth Banks and featuring Ray Liotta in his final role, has “gonzo potential” but “loses momentum” and is “strangely...
Including Dungeons & Dragons, Creed III and the latest John Wick starring Keanu Reeves โ Nicholas Barber lists this month’s unmissable releases. (Credit: Paramount...
“Cursed” gemstones, beautiful emblems of famous love affairs, and symbols of dark histories โ all these dazzling jewels have intriguing backstories, writes Daisy Woodward....
A new exhibition at London’s Barbican Art Gallery celebrates the work of Alice Neel, an unconventional, innovative artist who painted those on the margins...
A major new Vermeer exhibition at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam displays the artist’s evocative and serene paintings of daily life โ but they harbour...
Starring Lily James and Shazad Latif, this new romcom focuses on an arranged marriage plotline โ and subtly redresses Western judgements about the practice,...